Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin


Version 8.0.6

  • Added: tendency of sensor history data
  • Update: an improvement of the size of app (more coming)

Thanks for u/emo_ape’s suggestion, I added the following tendency data fields.

The way how to calculate the tendency is:

  1. First retrieve the last hour’s sensor history data,
  2. calculate the average value (v1) of the first half hour (-30 minute to now)
  3. calculate the average value (v2) of the second half hour (-60 minutes to -30 minutes)
  4. return the difference of v2 and v1 (v2 – v1)

You could also use a math expression to fine tune the value by entering the duration of seconds.

(sh.trend)(4, 1800) will return pressure tendency from the last 30 minutes.

2 thoughts on “Version 8.0.6

    M2K - August 28, 2023 at 11:22 am

    Not sure it’s the best place to ask but … would it be possible to enforce face naming instead of having them all named GarminWF by default ?
    When managing faces from connectIQ (deleting them, especially), it could be a pain to know who’s who.

    d_h - August 22, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    Is that possible to provide the feature of displaying the “next” alarm clock in coming 24 hours? Thanks a lot.

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