Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin


Version 7.3.0

  1. Added: InstallGWF 1.0.0
  2. Added: SVG-like rotating hand
  3. Added: Data fields from Activity Monitor heart rate history
  4. Added: Expression on the background color
  5. Added: Expression on min/max values for chart
  6. Fixed: a bug on empty expression
  7. Fixed: a bug on SVG id
  8. Fixed: a bug on updating color

You can install your watch face app using the new released program InstallGWF. Please check this post about how to install, and how to use it. How to install watchface : watchfacebuilder (

Rotating hand from svg path shape will not count toward 256 image limit for Garmin app. So you can add a lot more rotating hands in your design.

Background color can use the expression now. Now you can set the background color based on the data field’s value.

I overlooked those data fields from the heart rate history from activity monitor. It’s different from the heart rate history from sensor history. It seems to get updates every seconds during the high power mode.

4 thoughts on “Version 7.3.0

    Gabs - July 20, 2022 at 11:06 am

    @joshuahxh: THANKS A LOT for adding the expression on the background color. This is an extremely helpful functionality, for instance for recognizing at a glance when a certain value has exceeded it’s normal range. Great work!

    Bluebone22 - July 15, 2022 at 12:23 pm

    On my Fenix 6s pro I get an error with the rotating simple hand. I’d like to make a 24h handle. When I remove the (sm.mn0).value() part from (now.value()-(sm.mn0).value()) it works, but it seams to be off by 1 hour. Also the svg shapes look good in the editor, but on the watch the quadratic bezier and the curves are wildly out of shape.
    thanks for the editor!

    joshuahxh - July 9, 2022 at 10:06 am

    Use “Rotating simple hand” under goal menu. You will need to know how to create a SVG path in order to customize the hand shape.

    I will write up a demo later.

    randypenn - July 9, 2022 at 2:42 am

    I must be overlooking something. I tried adding an SVG as a watch hand and when building, it’s still counting as 60 images. What am I doing wrong?

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