Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

PB 1 Epix 51


approachs7047mm, descentmk351mm, fenix847mm, fr965, venu3

Created @ 2024-07-19 14:59:04
Updated @ 2024-07-21 09:41:57

52 0 9

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PB 1 Epix 51

Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • Ora
  • secondi
  • data
  • Active Calories Current Heart Rate
  • Current Heart Rate
  • Bluetooth Connection Icon
  • Notification Icon
  • Battery Icon
  • Battery % Value
  • Steps
  • Moon phase icon
  • Notification Count
  • Alarm Icon
  • Total Calories
  • Floors Climbed
  • Temperature
  • Body battery
  • Notification Icon
  • hour hand
  • minute hand
  • Time to recovery
  • Alarm Icon
  • Notification Count
  • Current Heart Rate
  • arcgoalfield
  • arcgoalfield
  • Battery Icon

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • CES
  • DEU
  • FRE
  • HUN
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • SPA

This app requires access to:

  • ComplicationSubscriber
  • UserProfile
  • SensorHistory
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