Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin


Pilot watch classix datarich 1.1 (API key needed)


Various hidden data:

  • 12-graph: 12 hour UV index forecast (1 to 12)
  • 6-graph: 12 hour precipitation chance forecast (0% to 100%)
  • 9-graph: battery level (0% to 100%)
  • Day background gray: when phone connection is lost
  • Date background gray: when there is NO alarm set
  • white line around day-date: there is a notification
  • 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11 o'lock markers fill according to % steps of daily goal, from 0 to 200%. So marker 1 fills from 0% to 25%, marker 2 from 25% to 50 % etc.
Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • Image
  • Image
  • Next 12 hour UV index
  • datetime
  • Notification Icon
  • Phone Connection Icon
  • Alarm Icon
  • Hourly precipitation chart
  • datetime
  • datetime
  • linegoalfield BATTERY
  • datetime
  • linegoalfield STEPS 0-25%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 25-50%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 50-75%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 75-100%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 100-125%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 125-150%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 150-175%
  • linegoalfield STEPS 175-200%
  • 12-hour hand
  • minute hand

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • CES
  • DEU
  • FRE
  • HUN
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • SPA

This app requires access to:

  • SensorHistory
  • Background
  • Communications
  • Positioning
Coming soon...