Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

Garmin Sensors Only


descentg1, instinct2x, instinctcrossover

Created @ 2022-08-12 01:46:55
Updated @ 2022-08-12 18:11:50

1592 0 45

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Garmin Sensors Only


WatchFace that represents inputs only from watch sensors.

Icons from top to bottom (Outside Circle)

  • Section 1
    1. Altitude in meters.
  • Section 2
    1. Last 24 hours Pressure Chart with Current Pressure Reading.
  • Section 3
    1. Weekday Month/Date with Time
    2. Remaining battery number in hours
    3. Remaining battery icon in percentage
    4. Current Heart Rate
    5. Number of Steps
  • Section 4
    1. Sunrise and Sunset time based on Watch GPS Sensors

Inside Circle

  • Current Moon Phase
  • Outer Circle representing Solar Intensity in Percentage
    • Complete Circle is 100%
    • Semi Circle is 50%
Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • datetime
  • datetime
  • datetime
  • Sunrise time
  • Sunset
  • Elevation
  • Pressure Chart
  • Pressure
  • Steps
  • Current Heart Rate
  • Battery Icon
  • Battery Remaining Time
  • arcgoalfield
  • 29 Moon phase icon

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • CES
  • DEU
  • FRE
  • HUN
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • SPA

This app requires access to:

  • SensorHistory
  • Positioning
Coming soon...