Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

Instinct 2 (v14)


descentg1, instinct2x, instinctcrossover

Created @ 2022-07-12 15:17:22
Updated @ 2022-07-12 16:33:07

4053 5 73

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Instinct 2 (v14)


Top Row:
-Temperature (sensor -6°c)
-Altitude (sensor)

Circle Gauge: Current Heartrate / Daily Distance (0-20km) / Daily Calories (0-2000) / Body Battery percent

Dividing Bar: battery percent

Second Row (Current Weather):
Feels-Like temperature (OWM)
Weather condition (OWM)
Daily high/current pop

Date - weekday - sunrise/sunset time

Phone Notification: Strikeout Time (top)
BT Disconnected: Strikeout Time (bottom)
Activity Timer State: Strikeout Time (diagonal)

Bottom chart - 12hr weather forecast (OWM)
Thick Line: temperature
Thin Line: wind speed (0-10kph)
Bars: Rain pop (0-100%)
Fill: Cloud%
OWM time hr-0
OWM city

*thumbnail example does not display data (charts) accurately - the actual face is neat and easy to read on your watch.

Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • LINE
  • LINE
  • Arc body battery
  • DISTANCE Arc (0-10k)
  • DISTANCE Arc (10-20k)
  • ActCal (0-1000)
  • ActCal (1000-2000)
  • inner ring mask
  • Current Heart Rate
  • month
  • datetime
  • Connection Icon
  • Clouds
  • Notification Icon
  • cloud mask
  • Temperature per hour
  • Wind speed
  • OWM weather condition - icon
  • Altitude
  • DAY
  • Sensor temperature (-6)
  • Precipitation
  • Layer Masks
  • Math expression
  • Feels like temperature
  • datetime
  • Layer Masks
  • OWM Time
  • Segmented Line
  • Max daily temperature
  • Next event time (sunrise/sunset)
  • Precipitation
  • linegoalfield

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • CES
  • DEU
  • FRE
  • HUN
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • SPA

This app requires access to:

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