Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin



descentg1, instinct2x, instinctcrossover

Created @ 2022-04-03 13:43:22
Updated @ 2022-04-04 13:46:39

3530 2 44

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Simple watchface:

  • number of active minutes this week
  • percentage of battery as line goal
  • heart rate (last 6 hours) as chart (min: 40, max: 160, horizontal lines at 60 and 100 bpm)
  • line goal of climbed floors
  • number of steps
  • bar graph of active minutes within last days
  • line goal: steps goal in percent
  • date, weather condition, temperature in celsius
  • iso number of week, time




Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • ISO Week #
  • Condition Icon
  • Temperature
  • Battery
  • Current Heart Rate
  • Heart Rate Chart
  • Floors Climb
  • Steps
  • Steps
  • Active Minutes Chart
  • Active Minutes This Week

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • CES
  • DEU
  • FRE
  • HUN
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • SPA

This app requires access to:

  • SensorHistory
  • Positioning
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