Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

Simple Analog Clock (OWM)


descentmk2, enduro, fenix7x, fenix7xpro, fenix7xpronowifi

Created @ 2022-02-25 03:19:24
Updated @ 2024-07-15 00:25:19

8439 3 316

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Simple Analog Clock (OWM)


Simple Analog Clock (OpenWeatherMap)

Simple Analog watchface.

  • Sunevents (Dust & Down in Highpower mode)
  • Altitude
  • Steps (Count and left bar)
  • Move bar (right)
  • Message Count
  • Connection Info (when offline)
  • Battery Icon and level
  • Heartrate
  • Current Oxygen Saturation (High Power Mode)
  • Weather info based on OpenWeatherMap Data (Icon  in low power, temp / rain in high power)

Build 55.21: recompile for latest Watchfacebuilde code.
Build 55.20: recompile and changed moon calulations bug to save batt. time.
Build 55.19: recompile and removed own moon calulations to save batt. time.
Build 55.18: recompile after 7 month on new compiler
Build 55: small bar showing next hour windspeed (0-25 m/s) max and color for (5,10,15,20,25 m/s)
Build 54: Add API refresh time and changed format and position og forecaste time (now HH)  to lowpower
Build 53: Revert to Build 51
Build 52: Remove custom code for moon icons after Josh has fixed this
Build 51: Change snow Icons
Build 50: Plus rate bar (high power), Move Bar (Low power)
Build 49: custom code calculating Moon icons and moon days
Build 48: New SDK and moon icon fixes...
Build 47: Batterymeter curved and coloured in the bottom of the watchface
Build 46: Fix the 29 moon icons :-(
Build 45: Fix SVG Hands to korrekt pointer goal fields (SVG Hands...) and 29 moon icons :-)
Build 44: new smaller hands
Build 43: textcolor for Heartrate % and fix SpO2 %
Build 42: textcolor for Battery % and SpO2 %
Build 41:  OWA Location fixed version
Build 40: DEBUG VERSION: OWA Location fix with Joshua
                   Coloring Dusk and Dawn times
Build 39: Sunset color til SunEvent and OWA forecast time in HighPower mode
Build 38: Using Settings file for OWA key.
Build 37: Redesign based on out of memory. (SVG Second Hand, spit Background images)
Build 36: Bodybattery som ARC goal in top.
Build 35: Temp and Rain forecast added.
Build 34: Change Battery Icon ranges.
Build 33: Fix location name. Remove "Municipality" form location
Build 32: Fix som weather icons
Build 31: Fix som text and icon positions
Build 30: Fix OWM Icon bug
Build 29: New Moon Icons (9 icons)
Build 28: Fix Weather Icons
Build 27: Battery Icon and level (remaining days in High Power mode)
Build 26: Location name in Highpower mode and switch to OpenWeatherMap data
Based on my watchface with Garmin Weather Data.

Data fields

This app displays the following data fields:

  • Code block
  • BG-L1
  • BH-L2
  • BG-H1
  • BG-L4
  • BG-H2
  • BG-L3 ny
  • BG-H3
  • BG-H4
  • Version
  • OWA Name Hidden (DK)
  • BodyBatt
  • Steps
  • Move bar
  • date
  • Weekday
  • Connection Icon
  • Battery Icon
  • Battery % Value
  • Steps
  • Altitude
  • Notification Icon
  • Notification Count
  • Current Heart Rate
  • Next event time (sunrise/sunset)
  • Dusk time
  • Dawn time
  • Moon age raw value
  • Math expression
  • MyMoonDay Icons
  • OWM Rain
  • SunEveny Icon
  • OWM Min daily temperature
  • OWA Max daily
  • DND Icon
  • Current Oxygen Saturation
  • Battery Remaining Time
  • shapes/wind.svg
  • Wind skale
  • Windbar
  • Wind Max
  • OWM weather condition - icon
  • BG Time
  • BG Loc
  • BG LocTime
  • Wind Min
  • OWA Time
  • SVG Minutes
  • SVG Hour
  • OWA Get Time
  • Custom Location Name
  • Debug output
  • SCG Seconds
  • BodyBatt
  • Puls Bar

Watchface languages:

  • ENG
  • DEU
  • ITA
  • PRO
  • SLO
  • DAN
  • SLV

This app requires access to:

  • SensorHistory
  • Background
  • Communications
  • Positioning
Coming soon...