Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin


Download Garmin watchface app

*for mac user, use Android File Transfer to copy files to your Garmin watch.

  1. in order for the app to be fully functional, fill the following fields after App id line.
  2. click download button.
  3. unzip the downloaded file.
  4. connect your watch to your computer with the device's USB cable.
  5. wait till the icon of your device shows up, double click to open it, and you should see the Garmin folder, open it, and double click to open the Apps folder in this Garmin folder.
  6. drag the 64feba696787b.prg file into the "Garmin\Apps" folder.
  7. drag the 64FEBA696787B.SET file into the "Garmin\Apps\Settings" folder.
  8. unhook your watch and your designed watchface should show up in a few seconds.
Background color
First hour digit
Second hour digit
First minute digit
Second minute digit
Heart rate color
Week color indicator
SX text and digits
Date color
Show datafield icons
Show second hand pointer
Show lunete