Watchface Builder for Garmin
PremiumToken List
Section | Token | Name | Description |
Date Time | tm1 | Year | The current year. |
Date Time | tm1.1 | Short year | The two digits of current year. |
Date Time | tm2 | Month | The current month (1-12). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (01-12). |
Date Time | tm3 | Day of month | The current day of the month (1-31). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (01-31). |
Date Time | tm3.1 | Days in month | The number of days in the month (28-31). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (28-31). |
Date Time | tm4 | ISO week | ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday (1-52). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (01-52). |
Date Time | tm5 | Day of week | The current day of week. (1: Sunday, 2: Monday, ..., 7: Saturday) |
Date Time | tm6 | Current hour in 24-hour format | The current hour (0-23). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (00-23). |
Date Time | tm6.1 | First digit of the current hour (24-hour format) | The first digit of current hour in 24-hour format (0-2). |
Date Time | tm6.0 | First digit of the current hour (24-hour format) | The first digit of the current hour in 24-hour format, when current hour is less than 10, null will be returned. (null, 1, or 2). |
Date Time | tm6.2 | Second digit of the current hour (24-hour format) | The current 24 hour's second digit (0-9). |
Date Time | tm7 | Current hour (midnight or noon is 0) | *use next one if you want to show correct hour in watchface*. The current hour (0-11). 0 means either midnight or noon. To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (00-11). Use this for expression. |
Date Time | tm7.3 | Current hour in 12-hour format (midnight or noon is 12) | The current hour in 12-hour format (1-12). 12 means either mignight or noon. To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (01-12). |
Date Time | tm7.4 | Current hour in 12- or 24-hour format (device setting) | The current hour in either 12- or 24-hour format, based on device setting. |
Date Time | tm7.0 | First digit of the current hour (12-hour format) | The first digit of the current hour in 12-hour format (null or 1). If hour is less than 10, null will be return. |
Date Time | tm7.1 | First digit of the current hour (12-hour format) | The first digit of the current hour in 12-hour format (0-1). |
Date Time | tm7.2 | Second digit of the current hour (12-hour format) | The second digit of the current hour in 12-hour format (0-9). |
Date Time | tm8 | Minute | The current minute from 0 to 59. To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (00-59) |
Date Time | tm8.0 | First digit of the current minute | The first digit of the current minute (null,1,2,3,4,5). If minute is less than 10, null will be returned. |
Date Time | tm8.1 | First digit of the current minute | The first digit of the current minute (0-5). |
Date Time | tm8.2 | Second digit of the current minute | The first digit of the current minute (0-9). |
Date Time | tm9 | Second | The current second from 0 to 59. To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %02d (00-59) |
Date Time | tm9.1 | AOD Second (not use) | (expression use only)second value (0-60) |
Date Time | tm9.2 | Second with sweep | (expression use only)Used for second with sweep rotation during high power (0-600) |
Date Time | tm9.0 | First digit of the current second | The first digit of the current second (null,1,2,3,4,5). If second is less than 10, null will be returned. |
Date Time | tm9.3 | First digit of the current second | The first digit of the current second (0-5). |
Date Time | tm9.4 | Second digit of the current second | The first digit of the current second (0-9). |
Date Time | tm10 | AM PM | The current time's am or pm. (0: am, 1: pm) |
Date Time | tm11 | Day of year | The current day of year (1-365). To incorporate a leading zero, the format can be adjusted to %03d (001-365) |
Date Time | tm11.1 | Days in year | The number of days in the year (365-366). |
Date Time | tm11.2 | Is a leap year | Is the current year a leap year (0,1). |
Date Time | tm12 | Today Chinese lunar date | (expression use only)Today Chinese lunar date in format of array [lunar_year,lunar_month,lunar_day,isLeapMonth]. lunar month is 1 based, 一月 is equal to 1, 十二月 is equal to 12. isLeapMonth is boolean value. |
Date Time | tm13 | Local daylight savings time offset | Current local daylight savings time offset in seconds. (seconds) |
Date Time | tm14 | Local timezone offset | The current local time offset from UTC in seconds. (second) |
Date Time | tm15 | Is daylight savings in effect now | Does the current location observes daylight savings or not. (0: no, 1: yes, null: no location found) |
Date Time | tm16 | Local moment | (expression use only)LocalMoment represents a single point in time at a specific location. It differs from Moment in that it also keeps time zone information in addition to the time. (LocalMoment) |
Date Time | tm16.1 | Local moment daylight saving time offset | Get the daylight saving time offset from UTC time in seconds. (seconds or null if no location found) |
Date Time | tm16.2 | Local moment total time offset | Get the total time offset from UTC time in seconds. (seconds or null if no location found) |
Date Time | tm16.3 | Local moment timezone offset | Get the time zone offset from UTC time in seconds. This is the time zone offset without the daylight saving time offset. (seconds or null if no location found) |
Date Time | tm16.4 | Local moment is DST | Get whether the daylight saving time offset is in effect. (true: is DST, false: is not DST, null: no location found) |
Location | loc | Current Location | (expression use only)The latest known GPS location from either the last activity, Garmin weather observation station, or the last saved location, whichever has the latest timestamp. Return an array [Toybox.Position.Location or null, Moment or null, Source] |
Location | loc.0 | Current Location from last activity | (expression use only)The GPS location from the last activity. Return Toybox.Position.Location or null. |
Location | loc.1 | Current Location from Garmin Weather | (expression use only)The GPS location from Garmin weather observation station. Return Toybox.Position.Location or null. |
Location | loc.2 | Previous Saved Location | (expression use only)The previous saved GPS location. Return Toybox.Position.Location or null. |
Location | loc.deg | Current Location (GPS_DEG) | The latest known GPS location from either the last activity, Garmin weather observation station, or the last saved location, whichever has the latest timestamp. (GPS location in GEO_DEG format, e.g. 38.27865) |
Location | | Current Location (GPS_DM) | The latest known GPS location from either the last activity, Garmin weather observation station, or the last saved location, whichever has the latest timestamp. (GPS location in GEO_DM format, e.g. 38 27.865') |
Location | loc.dms | Current Location (GPS_DMS) | The latest known GPS location from either the last activity, Garmin weather observation station, or the last saved location, whichever has the latest timestamp. (GPS location in GEO_DMS format, e.g. 38 27'86'') |
Location | loc.mgrs | Current Location (GPS_MGRS) | The latest known GPS location from either the last activity, Garmin weather observation station, or the last saved location, whichever has the latest timestamp. (GPS location in GEO_MGRS format, e.g. 4QFJ12345678) |
Location | | Timestamp of Current Location | The timestamp from the latest GPS location. (Moment) |
Location | loc.s | Source of Current Location | The source from the latest GPS location. (0: last activity, 1: Garmin Weather, 2: Saved Location) |
Icons | icn1 | Activity Tracking Icon | Indicates if the device is set to track activity or not. |
Icons | icn2 | Alarm Icon | Indicates if any alarm is set on the device. |
Icons | icn3 | Connection Icon | Indicates if any communication channel is connected and available for use. |
Icons | icn3.1 | Phone Connection Icon | The phone connection status mode. |
Icons | icn3.2 | Bluetooth Connection Icon | Indicates if bluetooth is connected and available for use. |
Icons | icn3.3 | Wifi Connection Icon | Indicates if wifi is connected and available for use. |
Icons | icn3.4 | Lte Connection Icon | Indicates if lte is connected and available for use. |
Icons | icn4 | DND Icon | Indicates if the Do Not Disturb mode is on or off. |
Icons | icn5 | Notification Icon | Indicates if any active notification is on the device. |
Icons | icn6 | Charging Icon | Indicates if battery is charging or not. |
Icons | icn7 | Battery Icon | Draw battery icon with battery life. Icon is drawed dynamically, adjusting the width/height for the icon direction. |
Icons | icn8 | Battery Icon | A group of icons shows the battery life. You can add your own battery icons with this datafield. |
Icons | icn.tm5 | Weekday Indicator | Weekday indicator. |
Icons | icn.ai11 | Movebar Icon | Movebar indicator. |
Icons | icn.dexcom.trend | EGV Trend Arrow | Display CGM. You will need to associate a serials images for all possible values for that data field. |
Icons | icn.custom | Group Field Icon | Display an image based on a data field's value. You will need to associate a serials images for all possible values for that data field. |
Icons | icn9 | Tunes Icon | Indicates if tones are enabled or not. |
Icons | icn10 | Vibration Icon | Indicates if vibration setting is enable or not. |
Icons | icn11 | Clock Mode Icon | The clock hour mode (24 hours mode or 12 hours mode). |
Icons | icn12 | Glance Mode Icon | Indicates if widget glances are enabled on the device. |
Icons | icn13 | Touch Screen Icon | The availability of a touch screen on the device. |
Icons | icn14 | Burn-in Icon | This flag indicates whether the device screen requires burn-in protection. |
Icons | icn15 | Night Mode Icon | Indicates the device is currently using night mode colors. |
Icons | icn16 | Enhanced Readability Mode Icon | Indicates the device is currently using Enhanced Readability Mode. |
Mask | mask1 | Layer Masks | Diagonal square dot line. |
Mask | mask2 | Layer Masks | Diagonal black line. |
Mask | mask3 | Layer Masks | Diagonal black curve line. |
Activity Info | ai1 | Active Minutes Today | The total number of active minutes recorded by the device. This value is equal to the total number of moderate minutes plus twice the total number of vigorous minutes. |
Activity Info | ai1.1 | Moderate Active Minutes Today | The total number of moderate activity minutes recorded by the device. |
Activity Info | ai1.2 | Vigorous Active Minutes Today | The total number of vigorous activity minutes recorded by the device. |
Activity Info | ai2 | Total Active Minutes This Week | The total number of active minutes recorded by the device. This value is equal to the total number of moderate minutes plus twice the total number of vigorous minutes. |
Activity Info | ai2.1 | Moderate Active Minutes This Week | The total number of moderate activity minutes recorded by the device. |
Activity Info | ai2.2 | Vigorous Active Minutes This Week | The total number of vigorous activity minutes recorded by the device. |
Activity Info | ai3 | Active Minutes Week Goal | The value of the active minutes goal for the current week. |
Activity Info | ai4 | Total Calories | The calories burned so far for the current day in kilocalories (kCal). |
Activity Info | ai4.1 | Active Calories | The active calories (total - resting) so far for the current day in kilocalories (kCal). |
Activity Info | ai5 | Distance | The distance since midnight for the current day in centimeters (cm). |
Activity Info | ai6 | Floors Climbed | The number of floors climbed for the current day. |
Activity Info | ai7 | Floors Climb Goal | The current floor climb goal. |
Activity Info | ai8 | Floors Descended | The number of floors descended for the current day. |
Activity Info | ai9 | Meter Climbed | The vertical distance of floors climbed in meters (m). |
Activity Info | ai10 | Meter Descended | The vertical distance of floors descended in meters (m). |
Activity Info | ai11 | Move Bar | The current level of the move bar between 0 and 5. |
Activity Info | ai12 | Steps | The step count since midnight for the current day in number of steps. |
Activity Info | ai13 | Steps Goal | The step goal for the current day in number of steps. |
Activity Info | ai14 | Respiration Rate | Current respiration rate for the user, in breaths per minute. |
Activity Info | ai15 | Time to recovery | Time to recovery from the last activity, in hours. |
Activity Info | ai16 | Push distance | The wheelchair push distance for the day in centimeters (cm). |
Activity Info | ai17 | Push goal | The wheelchair push goal for the day in number of pushes. |
Activity Info | ai18 | Pushs | Wheelchair push count for the day in number of pushes. |
Activity History | ah1 | Active Minutes Chart | The number of active minutes per day (minute). (maximum 7 days with the most recent first) |
Activity History | ah1.t | Total Active Minutes Since | The total active minutes since the date you selected. (minute) |
Activity History | ah2 | Calories Chart | The calories burned per day in kilocalories (kCal). |
Activity History | ah2.t | Total Calories Since | The total calories burned since the date you selected. (kCal). |
Activity History | ah3 | Distance Chart | The distance per day in centimeters (cm). |
Activity History | ah3.t | Total Distance Since | The total distance since the date you selected. (cm). |
Activity History | ah4 | Floors Climbed Chart | The number of floors climbed per day. |
Activity History | ah4.t | Total Floors Climbed Since | The total number of floors climbed since the date you selected. |
Activity History | ah5 | Floors Climb Goal Chart | The floor climbed divided by goal per day (%). |
Activity History | ah6 | Floors Descended Chart | The number of floors descended per day. |
Activity History | ah6.t | Total Floors Descended Since | The total number of floors descended since. |
Activity History | ah7 | Steps Chart | The step count per day. |
Activity History | ah7.t | Total Steps Since | The total step count since the date you selected. |
Activity History | ah8 | Steps Goal Chart | The step vs step goal per day (%). |
Activity History | ah15 | Push Distance Chart | The wheelchair push distance per day in centimeters (cm). |
Activity History | ah15.t | Total Push Distance Since | The total distance of push since the date you selected. |
Activity History | ah16 | Pushes Chart | The wheelchair push count per day. |
Activity History | ah16.t | Total Pushes Since | The total pushes since the date you selected. |
Activity Monitor | ah9 | Heart Rate (Activity Monitory) | Get the last heart rate value from activity monitor. (consider to use heart rate under sensor history section) |
Activity Monitor | ah10 | Heart Rate Chart | (expression use only)Return HeartRateIterator (the heart rate values from activity monitor.) |
Activity Monitor | ah11 | Max Heart Rate | Get the maximum value from the entire heart rate activity monitor (bpm). |
Activity Monitor | ah12 | Min Heart Rate | Get the minimum value from the entire heart rate activity monitor (bpm). |
Activity Monitor | ah13 | Newest Sample Time of Heart Rate | Get the last sample time from the entire heart rate activity monitor (moment). |
Activity Monitor | ah14 | Oldest Sample Time of Heart Rate | Get the last sample time from the entire heart rate activity monitor (moment). |
Last Activity | la1 | Altitude | The altitude above mean sea level in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la2 | Ambient Pressure | The ambient pressure in Pascals (Pa). |
Last Activity | la3 | Average Cadence | The average cadence during the current activity in revolutions per minute (rpm). |
Last Activity | la4 | Average Distance | The average swim stroke distance from the previous interval in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la5 | Average Heart Rate | The average heart rate during the current activity in beats per minute (bpm). |
Last Activity | la6 | Average Power | The average power during the current activity in Watts (W). |
Last Activity | la7 | Average Speed | The average speed during the current activity in meters per second (mps). |
Last Activity | la8 | Bearing | The current bearing in radians. |
Last Activity | la9 | Bearing From Start | The bearing from the starting location to the destination in radians. |
Last Activity | la10 | Calories | The calories burned throughout the current activity in kilocalories (kcal). |
Last Activity | la11 | Current Cadence | The current cadence in revolutions per minute (rpm). |
Last Activity | la12 | Current Heading | The true north referenced heading in radians. |
Last Activity | la12.1 | Current Heading | The true north referenced heading in degree. |
Last Activity | la13 | Current Heart Rate | The current heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). |
Last Activity | la13.1 | Last Activity Location | The current location from the last activity. |
Last Activity | la14 | Current Oxygen Saturation | The current oxygen saturation in percent (%). |
Last Activity | la15 | Current Power | The current power in Watts (W). |
Last Activity | la16 | Current Speed | The current speed in meters per second (mps). |
Last Activity | la17 | Distance to Destination | The distance to the destination in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la18 | Distance to the Next Point | The distance to the next point in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la19 | Elapsed Distance | The elapsed distance of the current activity in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la20 | Elapsed Time | Elapsed time of the current activity in milliseconds (ms). |
Last Activity | la21 | Elevation at Destination | The elevation at the destination in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la22 | Elevation at Next Point | The elevation at the next point in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la23 | Energy Expenditure | The current energy expenditure in kilocalories per minute (kcals/min). |
Last Activity | la24 | Front Derailleur Index | The current front bicycle derailleur index. |
Last Activity | la25 | Front Derailleur Max | The front bicycle derailleur maximum index. |
Last Activity | la26 | Front Derailleur Size | The front bicycle derailleur gear size in number of teeth. |
Last Activity | la27 | Max Cadence | The maximum cadence recorded during the current activity in revolutions per minute (rpm). |
Last Activity | la28 | Max Heart Rate | The maximum heart rate recorded during the current activity in beats per minute (bpm). |
Last Activity | la29 | Max Power | The maximum power recorded during the current activity in Watts (W). |
Last Activity | la30 | Max Speed | The maximum speed recorded during the current activity in meters per second (mps). |
Last Activity | la31 | Mean Sea Level Pressure | The mean sea level barometric pressure in Pascals (Pa). |
Last Activity | la32 | Name of Destination | The name of the destination. |
Last Activity | la33 | Name of Next Point | The name of the next point. |
Last Activity | la34 | Off Course Distance | The distance to the nearest point on the current course in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la35 | Raw Ambient Pressure | The raw ambient pressure in Pascals (Pa). |
Last Activity | la36 | Rear Derailleur Index | The current rear bicycle derailleur index. |
Last Activity | la37 | Rear Derailleur Max | The rear bicycle derailleur maximum index. |
Last Activity | la38 | Rear Derailleur Size | The rear bicycle derailleur gear size in number of teeth. |
Last Activity | la39 | Start Time | The starting time of the current activity. |
Last Activity | la40 | Swim Stroke Type | The swim stroke type from the previous length. |
Last Activity | la41 | Swim Swolf | The SWOLF score from the previous length. |
Last Activity | la42 | The recording timer state | The recording timer state. |
Last Activity | la43 | The current Timer value | The current Timer value in milliseconds (ms). |
Last Activity | la44 | Total Ascent | The total ascent during the current activity in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la45 | Total Descent | The total descent during the current activity in meters (m). |
Last Activity | la46 | Track | The current track in radians. |
Last Activity | la47 | Training Effect | The Training Effect score of the current activity. |
Complication | cp.value | Selected complication's value | The selected complication's value. |
Complication | cp.unit | Selected complication's unit | The selected complication's value. |
Complication | cp.llabel | Selected complication's long label | The selected complication's value. |
Complication | cp.slabel | Selected complication's short label | The selected complication's value. |
Complication | cp.icon | Selected complication's icon | (expression use only)The selected complication's icon |
Complication | cp.type | Selected complication's type | (expression use only)The selected complication's type |
Complication | cp.ranges | Selected complication's ranges | (expression use only)The selected complication's ranges. |
Device Settings | ds1 | Alarm Count | The number of alarms set on the device. |
Device Settings | ds2 | Notification Count | The number of active notifications. |
Device Settings | ds1.1 | High power mode | (expression use only)return 1 when device is in high power mode, otherwise 0 |
Device Settings | ds1.2 | Support AOD | (expression use only)return 1 when device support AOD, otherwise 0 |
System Statistics | ds3 | Battery % Value | The remaining battery life as a percentage. |
System Statistics | ds3.1 | Battery Remaining Time | The estimated remaining battery life in seconds. The estimation is based on the usage history of the battery. Initially it will take at least 40 minutes to get an initial estimation. |
System Statistics | ds3.2 | Battery Chart | Draw 2d chart of the battery history. (Left is oldest) |
System Statistics | ds3.3 | Remaining battery life | The remaining battery life in seconds from Garmin SDK. |
System Statistics | ds3.4 | Last battery charging percentage | The percentage of last battery charging (0-100). |
System Statistics | ds3.5 | Last battery charging time | The last battery charging time (Moment). |
System Statistics | ds3.6 | Duration after last battery charging | The seconds since last battery charging (second). |
System Statistics | ds4 | Free Memory | The current free memory in bytes. |
System Statistics | ds5 | Solar charge efficiency | The solar sensor's charge efficiency. |
System Statistics | ds5.2 | Solar charge efficiency chart | Draw 2d chart of the solar charging efficiency history. (Left is oldest) |
System Statistics | ds6 | Total Memory | The total available memory in bytes. |
System Statistics | ds7 | Used Memory | The memory used by the application in bytes. |
Sensor History | ds8 | Elevation | Get the last elevation value from sensor history (meter). |
Sensor History | ds8.1 | Elevation Chart | Draw 2d chart of the elevation values from sensor history. (Left is oldest, unit: meter) |
Sensor History | ds8.2 | Max Elevation | Get the maximum value from the entire elevation sensor history (meter). |
Sensor History | ds8.3 | Min Elevation | Get the minimum value from the entire elevation sensor history (meter). |
Sensor History | ds8.4 | Newest Sample Time of Elevation | Get the last sample time from the entire elevation sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds8.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Elevation | Get the last sample time from the entire elevation sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds8.6 | Elevation tendency | Elevation tendency from last hour's sensor history (meter). |
Sensor History | ds9 | Heart Rate (Sensor History) | Get the last heart rate value from sensor history. |
Sensor History | ds9.1 | Heart Rate Chart | Draw 2d chart of the heart rate values from sensor history. (Left is oldest, unit: bpm) |
Sensor History | ds9.2 | Max Heart Rate | Get the maximum value from the entire heart rate sensor history (bpm). |
Sensor History | ds9.3 | Min Heart Rate | Get the minimum value from the entire heart rate sensor history (bpm). |
Sensor History | ds9.4 | Newest Sample Time of Heart Rate | Get the last sample time from the entire heart rate sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds9.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Heart Rate | Get the last sample time from the entire heart rate sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds9.6 | Heart Rate tendency (Sensor History) | Heart rate tendency from last hour's sensor history (bmp). |
Sensor History | ds10 | Oxygen Saturation | Get the last Oxygen Saturation value from sensor history. |
Sensor History | ds10.1 | Oxygen Saturation Chart | Draw 2d chart of Oxygen Saturation value from sensor history. (Left is oldest, unit: %) |
Sensor History | ds10.2 | Max Oxygen Saturation | Get the maximum value from the entire oxygen saturation sensor history (%). |
Sensor History | ds10.3 | Min Oxygen Saturation | Get the minimum value from the entire oxygen saturation sensor history (%). |
Sensor History | ds10.4 | Newest Sample Time of Oxygen Saturation | Get the last sample time from the entire oxygen saturation sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds10.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Oxygen Saturation | Get the last sample time from the entire oxygen saturation sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds10.6 | Oxygen Saturation Tendency | Oxygen Saturation tendency from last hour's sensor history. |
Sensor History | ds11 | Pressure | Get the last pressure value from sensor history (Pa). |
Sensor History | ds11.1 | Pressure Chart | Draw 2d chart of pressure value from sensor history. (Left is oldest, unit: pa) |
Sensor History | ds11.2 | Max Pressure | Get the maximum value from the entire pressure sensor history (pa). |
Sensor History | ds11.3 | Min Pressure | Get the minimum value from the entire pressure sensor history (pa). |
Sensor History | ds11.4 | Newest Sample Time of Pressure | Get the last sample time from the entire pressure sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds11.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Pressure | Get the last sample time from the entire pressure sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds11.6 | Pressure tendency | Pressure tendency from last hour's sensor history (Pa). |
Sensor History | ds12 | Temperature | Get the last temperature value from sensor history (Celsius). |
Sensor History | ds12.1 | Temperature Chart | Draw 2d chart of temperature value from sensor history. (Left is oldest, unit: Celsius) |
Sensor History | ds12.2 | Max Temperature | Get the maximum value from the entire temperature sensor history (Celsius). |
Sensor History | ds12.3 | Min Temperature | Get the minimum value from the entire temperature sensor history (Celsius). |
Sensor History | ds12.4 | Newest Sample Time of Temperature | Get the last sample time from the entire temperature sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds12.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Temperature | Get the last sample time from the entire temperature sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds12.6 | Temperature tendency | Temperature tendency from last hour's sensor history (Celsius). |
Sensor History | ds330 | Body Battery | Get the last body battery value from sensor history. A 0 indicates that the body is drained and a 100 indicates the body is rested and charged. |
Sensor History | ds330.1 | Body Battery Chart | Draw 2d chart of body battery value from sensor history. (Left is oldest) |
Sensor History | ds330.2 | Max Body Battery | Get the maximum value from the entire body battery sensor history. A 0 indicates that the body is drained and a 100 indicates the body is rested and charged. |
Sensor History | ds330.3 | Min Body Battery | Get the minimum value from the entire body battery sensor history. A 0 indicates that the body is drained and a 100 indicates the body is rested and charged. |
Sensor History | ds330.4 | Newest Sample Time of Body Battery | Get the last sample time from the entire body battery sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds330.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Body Battery | Get the last sample time from the entire body battery sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds330.6 | Body Battery tendency | Body battery tendency from last hour's sensor history. A negative value indicates that the body is drained and a positive value indicates the body is rested and charged. |
Sensor History | ds331 | Stress | Get the last stress value from sensor history. Higher value indicate higher stress and lower value indicate lower stress |
Sensor History | ds331.1 | Stress Chart | Draw 2d chart of stress value from sensor history. (Left is oldest) |
Sensor History | ds331.2 | Max Stress | Get the maximum value from the entire stress sensor history. |
Sensor History | ds331.3 | Min Stress | Get the minimum value from the entire stress sensor history. |
Sensor History | ds331.4 | Newest Sample Time of Stress | Get the last sample time from the entire stress sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds331.5 | Oldest Sample Time of Stress | Get the last sample time from the entire stress sensor history (moment). |
Sensor History | ds331.6 | Stress tendency | Stress tendency from last hour's sensor history. |
Sensor History | sh.trend | Tendency | (expression use only)Return the difference of the average value between the first half and second half periods. Use it like (sh.trend)(which, seconds). The first parameter 'which' is what type of sensor data, the second parameter 'seconds' is the given Duration of seconds is retrieved. For example: (sh.trend)(4, 3600) will return the pressure tendency of the last 3600 seconds (equals to 1 hour) recorded by sensor history. The following sensor history data are supported: 0: Body Battery, 1: Elevation (meter), 2: Heart Rate (bpm), 3: Oxygen Saturation (%), 4: Pressure (pa), 5: Stress, 6: Temperature (c). |
User Profile | ds13 | Activity Level | Activity level from 0-100. |
User Profile | ds14 | 7-day Avg. Resting HR | The user's seven day average resting heart rate (bpm). |
User Profile | ds15 | Birth Year | Birth Year. |
User Profile | ds16 | Gender | The Gender enum. |
User Profile | ds17 | Height | Height in centimeters (cm). |
User Profile | ds18 | Resting HR | Heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). |
User Profile | ds19 | Running step length | Running step length in millimeters (mm). |
User Profile | ds20 | Sleep Time | Typical sleep time as configured by the user (Moment). |
User Profile | ds21 | Wake Time | Typical wake time as configured by the user (Moment). |
User Profile | ds29 | Sleep mode | Is current time between sleep and wake time. Sleep and wake times are configured in user profile. (1: yes, 0: no). |
User Profile | ds22 | Walking step length | Walking step length in millimeters (mm). |
User Profile | ds23 | Weight | Weight in grams (g). |
User Profile | ds23.1 | VO2Max for cycling | The user's VO2 Max value for cycling activity. |
User Profile | ds23.2 | VO2Max for running | The user's VO2 Max value for running activity. |
User Profile | ds324 | Last activity distance | Last activity's distance covered by the activity in meters. |
User Profile | ds324.1 | Distance chart | Draw 2d chart of distance value from user activity history. (Left is oldest) |
User Profile | ds324.2 | Last activity sport type | Last activity's sport type (0: Generic, 1: Running, 2: Cycling, ..., 255: Invalid). |
User Profile | ds324.3 | Last selected sport's distance | Last selected sport's distance covered by the activity in meters. |
User Profile | ds324.4 | Selected sport distance chart | Draw 2d chart of distance value for selected sport from user activity history. (Left is oldest) |
User Profile | ds325 | Last activity duration | Duration of the last activity in seconds. |
User Profile | ds325.1 | Duration chart | Draw 2d chart of duration value from user activity history. (Left is oldest) |
User Profile | ds325.3 | Last selected sport's duration | Duration of the last select sport's activity in seconds. |
User Profile | ds325.4 | Selected sport duration chart | Draw 2d chart of duration value for selected sport from user activity history. (Left is oldest) |
Sun Event | sm.mn0 | Midnight (before now) | Midnight before current time. |
Sun Event | sm0.1 | Astronomical dawn time | Astronomical dawn time |
Sun Event | sm0.2 | Nautical dawn time | Nautical dawn time |
Sun Event | sm0 | Dawn time | Civil dawn time |
Sun Event | sm1.0 | Blue hour AM | Morning blue hour time |
Sun Event | sm1 | Sunrise time | Sunrise time |
Sun Event | sm1.1 | Sunrise end time | Sunrise end time |
Sun Event | sm1.2 | Golden hour AM | Morning golden hour time |
Sun Event | sm.noon | Noon | Today's Noon time |
Sun Event | sm2.0 | Golden hour PM | Afternoon golden hour time |
Sun Event | sm2.2 | Sunset start time | Sunset start time |
Sun Event | sm2 | Sunset time | Sunset time |
Sun Event | sm2.3 | Blue hour PM | Afternoon blue hour time |
Sun Event | sm2.1 | Dusk time | Civil dusk time |
Sun Event | sm2.4 | Nautic dusk time | Nautic dusk time |
Sun Event | sm2.5 | Astronomical dusk time | Astronomical dusk time |
Sun Event | sm.mn1 | Midnight (after now) | Midnight after the current time. |
Sun Event | sm3 | Next event time (sunrise/sunset) | Sunset or sunrise time based on current time |
Sun Event | sm3.1 | Next event name (sunrise/sunset) | Sunset or sunrise name based on current time |
Sun Event | sm3.2 | Countdown to the next event (sunrise/sunset) | Countdown to Sunset or sunrise. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm3.3 | Countdown to the next sunrise | Countdown to the next sunrise. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm3.4 | Countdown to the next sunset | Countdown to the next sunset. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm5 | Next event time (dawn/dusk) | Dawn or dusk time based on current time |
Sun Event | sm5.1 | Next event name (dawn/dusk) | Dawn or dusk name based on current time. |
Sun Event | sm5.2 | Countdown to the next event (dawn/dusk) | Countdown to Dawn or Dusk. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm5.3 | Countdown to the next dawn | Countdown to the next Dawn. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm5.4 | Countdown to the next dusk | Countdown to the next Dusk. The output will be like 2:35, meaning 2 hours 35 minutes to reach next event. |
Sun Event | sm4 | ISO Week Number | ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday |
Sun Event | sm6 | Is day time | Is current time during the day or night. (1: day, 0: night) |
Moon Phase | mp1 | Moon phase text | Moon phase name (New moon to full moon) |
Moon Phase | mp2 | Moon phase icon | Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Moon Phase | mp3 | 29 Moon phase text | 29 Moon phase name (New moon to full moon) |
Moon Phase | mp4 | 29 Moon phase icon | 29 Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Moon Phase | mp5 | Current Moonphase data | (expression use only)Return [array], and array contains current moon phase data (0: The fractional Julian date, 1: The phase of the moon, from 0 (new) to 0.5 (full) to 1.0 (new), 2: Age in days of the current cycle (0-29.53), 3: moon phase index (0-7), 4: moon phase index (0-28), 5: The illumination fraction, from 0% - 100%.). [Julian date,moon phase,moon age,8 day,29 day,illumination fraction]. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w01 | Condition Icon | The current weather condition icon. You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w02 | Condition Text | The current weather condition name. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w03 | Feels like Temperature | The wind chill or heat index, in Celsius. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w04 | High Temperature | The forecasted high temperature for the day in Celsius. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w05 | Low Temperature | The forecasted low temperature for the day in Celsius. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w06 | Observation Location Name | Textual description of the observation location. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w06.1 | Observation Location | Location where the conditions were observed. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w07 | Observation Time | Time the conditions were observed. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w08 | Precipitation | The chance of precipitation [0-100%]. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w09 | Humidity | The relative humidity [0-100%]. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w10 | Temperature | The current temperature in Celsius. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w11 | Wind Bearing | The wind bearing in degrees. |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w11.1 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW). |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w11.2 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (icons). |
Garmin Current Weather Conditions | w12 | Wind Speed | The current wind speed in meters per second. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w13 | Condition Icon | The weather condition icon. You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w14 | Condition Text | The weather condition. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w15 | Precipitation | The chance of precipitation [0-100%]. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w15.1 | Hourly precipitation chart | 12 hour forecast of the chance of precipitation in chart (%). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w16 | Humidity | The relative humidity [0-100%]. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w16.1 | Hourly humidity chart | 12 hour forecast of the relative humidity in chart (%). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w17 | Temperature | The forecast temperature in Celsius. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w17.1 | Hourly temperature chart | 12 hour forecast of the temperature in chart (Celsius). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w18 | Wind Bearing | The wind bearing in degrees. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w18.1 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w18.2 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (icons). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w18.3 | Wind bearing chart | 12 hour forecast of the wind bear in chart (degree). |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w19 | Wind Speed | The forecast wind speed in meters per second. |
Garmin Weather Hourly Forecast | w19.1 | Hourly wind speed chart | 12 hour forecast of the wind speed in chart (meters per second). |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w20 | Condition Icon | The weather condition icon. You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w21 | Condition Text | The weather condition. |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w22 | Precipitation | The chance of precipitation [0-100%]. |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w22.1 | Daily precipitation chart | 5 day forecast of the precipitation in chart (%). |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w23 | High Temperature | The high temperature in Celsius. |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w23.1 | Daily high temperature chart | 5 day forecast of the high temperature in chart (Celsius). |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w24 | Low Temperature | The low temperature in Celsius. |
Garmin Weather Daily Forecast | w24.1 | Daily low temperature chart | 5 day forecast of the low temperature in chart (Celsius). |
Garmin Weather | w25 | Sunrise | Get sunrise time for the current location and date. |
Garmin Weather | w26 | Sunset | Get sunset time for the current location and date |
Garmin Weather | w25.1 | Sunrise | Get sunrise time for the current location and next day. |
Garmin Weather | w26.1 | Sunset | Get sunset time for the current location and next date |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100 | Name | Name of the found location. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.1 | State | State of the found location. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.2 | Country | Country of the found location. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.3 | Latitude | Geographical coordinates of the found location (latitude). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.4 | Longitude | Geographical coordinates of the found location (longitude). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.5 | Ascii name | Name of the found location internal field. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.6 | Feature name | Name of the found location internal field. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.7 | Name in different languages | Name of the found location in different languages. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.10 | Debug output | Check owm key, current location, etc. (valid, invalid, or be blocked). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.11 | GPS Location | Show current GPS location. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Location | w100.12 | Current Location | (expression use only)Current location. The sequence of retrieving current location is : 1) last activity, 2) Garmin weather obsercation station, 3) last known location, 4) null. (Toybox.Position) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101 | Time | Current time, Unix, UTC. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.1 | Sunrise | Sunrise time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.2 | Sunset | Sunset time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.3 | Temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.4 | Feels like temperature | This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.5 | Pressure | Atmospheric pressure on the sea level (hPa). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.6 | Humidity | The relative humidity [0-100%]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.7 | Dew point | Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.8 | Clouds | Cloudiness, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.9 | UV index | Current UV index, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.10 | Visibility | Average visibility, metres. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.11 | Wind speed | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.12 | Wind gust | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.13 | Wind direction | Wind direction in degrees. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.14 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.15 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (icons). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.16 | Rain volume | Rain volume for last hour, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.17 | Snow volume | Snow volume for last hour, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.18 | Weather condition - main | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.19 | Weather condition - icon (do not use) | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.19a | OWM weather condition - icon | Group of weather condition icons (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Current Weather | w101.20 | Weather description - full | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Minute forecast | w102 | Precipitation | The chance of precipitation [0-100%]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Minute forecast | w102.1 | Time | The forecast time. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Minute forecast | w102.2 | Precipitation Chart per minute | The next hour percipitation chart per minute. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103 | Time | Hourly forecast for 12 hours. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.3 | Temperature | Temperature forecast for 12 hours. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.3f | 12 hour temperature | The 12 hours temperature chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.3n | Next 6 hour temperature | The next 6 hours temperature chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.3r | Next 12 hour temperature | The next 12 hours temperature chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.4 | Feels like temperature | This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.4f | 12 hour feels like temperature | The 12 hours feels like temperature chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.4n | Next 6 hour feels like temperature | The next 6 hours feels like temperature chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.4r | Next 12 hour feels like temperature | The next 12 hours feels like temperature chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.5 | Pressure | Atmospheric pressure on the sea level (hPa). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.5f | 12 hour pressure | The 12 hours atmospheric pressure on the sea level chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.5n | Next 6 hour pressure | The next 6 hours atmospheric pressure on the sea level chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.5r | Next 12 hour pressure | The next 12 hours atmospheric pressure on the sea level chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.6 | Humidity | The relative humidity [0-100%]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.6f | 12 hour humidity | The 12 hours Humidity chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.6n | Next 6 hour humidity | The next 6 hours Humidity chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.6r | Next 12 hour humidity | The next 12 hours Humidity chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.7 | Dew point | Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.7f | 12 hour dew point | The 12 hours Dew point chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.7n | Next 6 hour dew point | The next 6 hours Dew point chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.7r | Next 12 hour dew point | The next 12 hours Dew point chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.8 | Clouds | Cloudiness, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.8f | 12 hour clouds | The 12 hours Cloudiness % chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.8n | Next 6 hour clouds | The next 6 hours Cloudiness % chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.8r | Next 12 hour clouds | The next 12 hours Cloudiness % chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.9 | UV index | Current UV index, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.9f | 12 hour UV index | The 12 hours UV index chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.9n | Next 6 hour UV index | The next 6 hours UV index chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.9r | Next 12 hour UV index | The next 12 hours UV index chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.10 | Visibility | Average visibility, metres. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.10f | 12 hour visibility | The 12 hours Visibility chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.10n | Next 6 hour visibility | The next 6 hours Visibility chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.10r | Next 12 hour visibility | The next 12 hours Visibility chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.11 | Wind speed | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.11f | 12 hour wind speed | The 12 hours Wind speed chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.11n | Next 6 hour wind speed | The next 6 hours Wind speed chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.11r | Next 12 hour wind speed | The next 12 hours Wind speed chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.12 | Wind gust | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.12f | 12 hour wind gust | The 12 hours Wind gust chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.12n | Next 6 hour wind gust | The next 6 hours Wind gust chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.12r | Next 12 hour wind gust | The next 12 hours Wind gust chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.13 | Wind direction | Wind direction in degrees. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.13f | 12 hour wind direction chart | The 12 hours Wind direction chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.13n | Next 6 hour wind direction chart | The next 6 hours Wind direction chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.13r | Next 12 hour wind direction chart | The next 12 hours Wind direction chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.14 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.15 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (icons). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.16 | Rain volume | Rain volume for last hour, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.16f | 12 hour rain volume | The 12 hours Rain volume chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.16n | Next 6 hour rain volume | The next 6 hours Rain volume chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.16r | Next 12 hour rain volume | The next 12 hours Rain volume chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.17 | Snow volume | Snow volume for last hour, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.17f | 12 hour snow volume | The 12 hours snow volume chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.17n | Next 6 hour snow volume | The next 6 hours snow volume chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.17r | Next 12 hour snow volume | The next 12 hours snow volume chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.18 | Weather condition - main | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.19 | Weather condition - icon (do not use) | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.19a | OWM weather condition - icon | Group of weather condition icons (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.20 | Weather condition - full | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.21 | Precipitation | Probability of precipitation. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.21f | 12 hour precipitation | The 12 hours Precipitation chart started from the time when watch got OWM data. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.21n | Next 6 hour precipitation | The next 6 hours Precipitation chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Hourly Forecast | w103.21r | Next 12 hour precipitation | The next 12 hours Precipitation chart started from the current hour. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104 | Time | Daily forecast for 7 days. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.1 | Sunrise | Sunrise time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.2 | Sunset | Sunset time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.3 | Moonrise | Sunrise time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.4 | Moonset | Sunset time, Unix, UTC |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.5 | Moon phase text | Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.6 | Moon phase icon | Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.5x | 29 Moon phase text | 29 Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.5p | Moon age raw value | Moon age raw value (0-1) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.5d | Moon age day value | Moon age day value (0-28) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.6x | 29 Moon phase icon | 29 Moon phase (New moon to full moon) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.7 | Morning temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.7f | Morning temperature | The next 7 days morning temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.8 | Day temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.8f | Day temperature | The next 7 days day temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.9 | Evening temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.9f | Evening temperature | The next 7 days evening temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.10 | Night temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.10f | Night temperature | The next 7 days night temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.11 | Min daily temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.11f | Min daily temperature | The next 7 days min daily temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.12 | Max daily temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.12f | Max daily temperature | The next 7 days max daily temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.13 | Morning feel like temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.13f | Morning feels like temperature | The next 7 days morning feels like temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.14 | Day feels like temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.14f | Day feels like temperature | The next 7 days day feels like temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.15 | Evening feels like temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.15f | Evening feels like temperature | The next 7 days evening feels like temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.16 | Night feels like temperature | Temperature. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.16f | Night feels like temperature | The next 7 days night feels like temperature chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.17 | Pressure | Atmospheric pressure on the sea level (hPa). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.17f | Pressure | The next 7 days pressure chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.18 | Humidity | The relative humidity [0-100%]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.18f | Humidity | The next 7 days humidity chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.19 | Dew point | Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units - kelvin. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.19f | Dew point | The next 7 days dew point chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.20 | Clouds | Cloudiness, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.20f | Clouds | The next 7 days clouds chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.21 | UV index | Current UV index, %. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.21f | UV Index | The next 7 days uv index chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.22 | Precipitation | The chance of precipitation [0-100%]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.22f | Precipitation | The next 7 days precipitation chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.23 | Wind speed | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.23f | Wind speed | The next 7 days wind speed chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.24 | Wind gust | Wind speed. Units - metre/sec. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.24f | Wind gust | The next 7 days wind gust chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.25 | Wind direction | Wind direction in degrees. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.26 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.27 | 8-wind Compass Rose | 8-wind compass rose (icons). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.28 | Rain volume | Rain volume for that day, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.28f | Rain volume | The next 7 days rain volume chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.29 | Snow volume | Snow volume for last hour, mm. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.29f | Snow volume | The next 7 days snow volume chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.30 | Weather condition - main | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.31 | Weather condition - icon (do not use) | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.31a | OWM weather condition - icon | Group of weather condition icons (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). You can only replace the icons, but DO NOT REMOVE/CHANGE VALUE OF EACH ICON!!! |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Daily Forecast | w104.32 | Weather description - full | Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). |
Tide | | Station latitude | Location's latitude where the tide data were observed. |
Tide | tide.station.lng | Station longitude | Location's longitude where the tide data were observed. |
Tide | tide.dt | Tide measurement time | Last tide measurement time (Moment). |
Tide | tide.PD.t | Tide predication - time | 3 day's tide predications time (Moment) |
Tide | tide.PD.v | Tide predication - height | 3 day's tide predications height (feet) |
Tide | tide.PD.nt | Next tide predication - time | Next high/low tide predications time (upto 7 days) (Moment) |
Tide | tide.PD.nv | Next tide predication - height | Next high/low tide predications height (upto 7 days) (feet) |
Tide | tide.PD | Daily tide predication array | (expression use only)8 day's tide predications (from the day before measurement time to the next 7 days), returns: [t1,v1,t2,v2,...]. (time unit: epoch, tide unit: feet) |
Tide | | Current tide predication | Current tide level based on minute predications, (feet) |
Tide | tide.PM6 | Last 6 hour tide predication | (expression use only)Last 6 hours tide predications (per 6 minutes), returns: [ft1,...,ft60]. (unit: feet) |
Tide | tide.PM6.chart | Last 6 hour predication tide chart | Tide predication chart (last 6 hour, per 6 minutes). |
Tide | tide.PM | 24 hour tide predication | (expression use only)Next 24 hours tide predications, per 6 minutes, returns: [ft1,...,ft144]. (unit: feet) |
Tide | tide.PM.chart | Next 24 hour predication tide chart | Tide predication chart (next 24 hour, per 6 minutes). |
Tide | tide.WL.t | Water level - time | Latest water level measurement time |
Tide | tide.WL.v | Water level - height | Latest water level (feet) |
Tide | tide.WL | Water level | (expression use only)Last 6 hour water level, returns: [ft1,...,ft60]. (unit: feet) |
Tide | tide.WL.chart | Water level chart | Last 6 hour water level chart. |
Tide | tide.WT.t | Water temperature - time | Latest water temperature measurement time |
Tide | tide.WT.v | Water termperature | Latest water temperature (fahrenheit) |
Tide | tide.WT | Water temperature | (expression use only)Last 6 hour water temperature, returns: [fahrenheit1,...,fahrenheit60]. (unit: fahrenheit) |
Tide | tide.WT.chart | Water temperature chart | last 6 hour water temperature chart. |
Tide | tide.AT.t | Air temperature - time | Latest air temperature measurement time |
Tide | tide.AT.v | Air temperature | Latest air temperature (fahrenheit) |
Tide | tide.AT | Air temperature | (expression use only)last 6 hour air temperature, returns: [time1,fahrenheit1,...,time60,fahrenheit60]. (time unit: epoch, temp unit: fahrenheit) |
Tide | tide.AT.chart | Air temperature chart | last 6 hour air temperature chart. |
Tide | tide.AP.t | Air pressure - time | Latest air pressure measurement time |
Tide | tide.AP.v | Air pressure | Latest air pressure (millibar) |
Tide | tide.AP | Air pressure | (expression use only)last 6 hour air pressure, returns: [time1,mb1,...,time60,mb60]. (time unit: epoch, temp unit: millibar) |
Tide | tide.AP.chart | Air pressure chart | last 6 hour air pressure chart. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi | Air Pollution Forecast | (expression use only)Return [array], and array contains 12 hours air pollution forecast. (aqi)[0]["aqi"] will return hour0's air quality index. (aqi)[6]["pm2_5"] will return hour6's PM2.5. The following attributes can be used: [aqi,co,no,no2,o3,so2,pm2_5,pm10,nh3]. |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.aqi | Air Quality Index | Air Quality Index in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (1-5) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.dt | Air pollution forecast time | Forecast time in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (Moment) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | | Carbon monoxide (CO) | Carbon monoxide (CO) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 400+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | | Nitrogen monoxide (NO) | Nitrogen monoxide (NO) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 400+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.no2 | Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) | Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 400+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.o3 | Ozone (O3) | Ozone (O3) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 240+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.so2 | Sulphur dioxide (SO2) | Sulphur dioxide (SO2) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 400+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.pm2.5 | Particulates (PM2.5) | Particulates (PM2.5) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 110+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.pm10 | Particulates (PM10) | Particulates (PM10) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 200+) |
Open Weather Map (OWM API Key Required) - Air Pollution | aqi.nh3 | Ammonia (NH3) | Ammonia (NH3) in air pollution forecast for next 12 hours. (0, 200+) |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom | EGV - last 60 readings | (expression use only)Return Json object of the last 60 EGV data, newest first. (timestamp, trend, value). [{dt,t,v},{dt,t,v},...]. |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.dt | The time at which observation was made | The latest EGV reading time at which observation was made. (moment). |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.trend | General trend of EGV value movement | The last trend value from EGV data. (0: triple up, 1: double up, 2: single up, 3: 45 up, 4: flat, 5: 45 down, 6: single down, 7: double down, 8: triple down, 9: Unknown). |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.value | Estimated glucose value (EGV) | The latest estimated glucose value (EGV). For dexcom devices, the range is from 40 mg/dL to 400 mg/dL. Other devices (WIP). unit mg/dL |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.error | Dexcom communication status | The communication error message. Debug ussage only. |
Advanced | auth | Auth request | Make this app to require authentication from server. The return value of (auth) is: 1 (success), 0 (trial), -1 (expired), other negative value (failed) |
Advanced | gvar | Programmable variable | Define a programmable variable and an action to change the value. |
Advanced | codeblock | Code block | Enter your custom codes here. This code block will be executed based on the layer position. |
Advanced | coding | Custom function | Write your own function, which returns a scalar value (show up on screen), or null (show nothing), or an object (you can use the return value inside a code block). |
Advanced | cgf | Custom group field | (expression use only) |
Advanced | math | Math expression | Math expression supports arithmetic operations as well as monkey C math functions. You can also drop any data fields into expressions to make it even more creative! |
Advanced | scrolltext | Scroll text | Scrolling text, enter an array [speed, exp1, exp2, ...] in data field textbox. The array's first element is the second value (how long to rorate a line), exp1 will show first, then exp2, and so on. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li0 | Location name | The name of the current location will be provided as a localized string, determined by the default accepted language setting of your phone's browser. For instance, if the primary accepted language in your phone's browser is Chinese, the name of the place will be returned in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li0.lg | Location name in selected language | Current location's name in selected language. (overwrite the default accepted language setting of your phone's browser) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li1 | City | City name of the current location. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li2 | State | State name of the current location, eg. Alabama. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li3 | Zip code | Post/zip code of the current location. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li4 | Full country name | full country name of the current location, ex. United States. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li5 | Country code | Two letter country code of the current location, ex. US. (upper case) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li6 | ISO3166-2 name | Two letter country code plus the leter subdivision code, ex. US-AL for United States, Alabama. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | | Latitude of city center | The latitude coordinates of the city center. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li.lng | Longitude of city center | The longtitude coordinates of the city center. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li7 | Full timezone name | Full time zone name, eg. America/Chicago. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li8 | Abbreviated timezone name | Abbreviated timezone name, eg. CDT |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li9 | UTC offset | The time difference, in seconds, between the local time in the current time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), accounting for any adjustments made for daylight saving time, if applicable. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li10 | Raw offset | The time difference, in seconds, between the local time in the current time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), excluding any adjustments for daylight saving time. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li11 | Is in daylight saving time | Return 1 if the current time is during daylight saving time; otherwise, return 0. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li12 | Observe daylight saving time | Return 1 if the current location observes daylight saving time; otherwise, return 0. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li13 | Start time of DST | Start time of daylight saving time. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li14 | End time of DST | End time of daylight saving time. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15 | Sun events' time | (expression use only)Array containing time data for sun events. [lunar_year, lunar_month, lunar_day, lunar_hour, lunar year in Chinese, lunar month in Chinese, lunar day in Chinese, lunar hour in Chinese, 干支year, 干支month, 干支day, 干支hour, ] |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.0 | Sunrise end time | sunrise end time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.1 | Sunset start time | Sunset start time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.2 | Sunrise time | sunrise time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.3 | Sunset time | Sunset time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.4 | AM Blue hour time | Morning blue hour time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.5 | PM Blue hour time | Afternoon blue hour time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.6 | Dawn time | Dawn time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.7 | Dusk time | Dusk time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.8 | AM Blue hour end time | Morning blue hour time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.9 | PM Blue hour end time | Afternoon blue hour time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.10 | Nautical dawn time | Nautical dawn time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.11 | Nautical dusk time | Nautical dusk time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.12 | Night end time | Night end time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.13 | Night time | Night time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.14 | Golden hour end time | Golden hour end time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.15 | Golden hour time | Golden hour time (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.16 | Solar noon time | Solar noon is the time when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky (epoch second). |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.17 | Nadir time | Nadir time is when the sun is directly below the current location in the sky. (epoch second) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.18 | Sun azimuth angle | Moon azimuth angle (-π to π) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li15.19 | Sun altitude angle | Sun altitude angle (-π to π) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16 | Moon information | (expression use only)Moon data. [fraction(0-1), phase(0-1), angle (radian), rise, set, azimuth (radian), altitude (radian), distance (meter)] |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.0 | Moon fraction | Moon fraction (0-1) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.1 | Moon phase | Moon phase (0-1) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.2 | Moon angle | Moon angle (-π to π) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.3 | Moon rise time | Moon rise time (epoch seconds) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.4 | Moon set time | Moon set time (epoch seconds) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.8 | Moon always up | Moon is always up (1, or 0) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.9 | Moon always down | Moon is always down (1, or 0) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.5 | Moon azimuth angle | Moon azimuth angle (-π to π) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.6 | Moon altitude angle | Moon altitude angle (-π to π) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.7 | Moon distance | Moon distance (meter) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.10 | New moon | New moon (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.11 | First quarter moon | First quarter moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.12 | Full moon | Full moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.13 | Last quarter moon | Last quarter moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.14 | Next new moon | Next new moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.15 | Next first quarter moon | Next first quarter moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.16 | Next full moon | Next full moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li16.17 | Next last quarter moon | Next last quarter moon time (epoch time) |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17 | Lunar Calendar | (expression use only)Lunar calendar data. [lunar year, lunar month, lunar day, lunar hour, lunar year in Chinese, lunar month in Chinese, lunar day in Chinese, lunar hour in Chinese, 干支year,干支month,干支day,干支hour,五行year,五行month,五行day,五行hour,color year,color month,color day,color hour,Zodiac in Chinese,节气,闰年] |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.0 | Lunar calendar year | Lunar year in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.1 | Lunar calendar month | Lunar month in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.2 | Lunar calendar day | Lunar day in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.3 | Lunar calendar hour | Lunar hour in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.4 | Lunar calendar year in Chinese | Lunar year in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.5 | Lunar calendar month in Chinese | Lunar month in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.6 | Lunar calendar day in Chinese | Lunar day in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.7 | Lunar calendar hour in Chinese | Lunar hour in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.8 | 干支年 | Lunar year in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.9 | 干支月 | Lunar month in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.10 | 干支日 | Lunar day in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.11 | 干支时 | Lunar hour in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.12 | 五行年 | Lunar year in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.13 | 五行月 | Lunar month in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.14 | 五行日 | Lunar day in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.15 | 五行时 | Lunar hour in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.16 | Color年 | Lunar year in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.17 | Color月 | Lunar month in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.18 | Color日 | Lunar day in number in Chinese. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.19 | Color时 | Lunar hour in number. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.20 | Lunar animal | Lunar animal. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.21 | 节气 | Lunar 节气. |
Location Information (API Key Required) | li17.22 | 是否闰年 | 是否 Lunar 闰年. |
Tide | | Station name | Location where the tide data were observed. |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.valuechart | EGV Value Chart | The chart of EGV reading from the last 5 hours. |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) | dexcom.trendchart | EGV Trend Chart | The chart of EGV trend from the last 5 hours. |
Complication | cp1 | Battery percentage | Value is a non-negative Number percent 0 to 100 representing battery charge or null |
Complication | cp2 | Steps | Value is a non-negative Number of steps for the current day, not available in wheelchair mode |
Complication | cp3 | Calories | Value is a non-negative Number of calories burned for the current day |
Complication | cp4 | Floors climbed | Value is a non-negative Number of floors climbed, not available in wheelchair mode |
Complication | cp5 | Intensity minutes | Value is a non-negative Number of intensity seconds that resets weekly |
Complication | cp6 | Date | Value is a String with the day of the month and the month e.g., 28 Mar |
Complication | cp7 | Weekday monthday | Value is a String with the day of the week and the day of the month e.g., Mon 28 |
Complication | cp8 | CUrrent weather | Value is a String with the current weather |
Complication | cp9 | Forecast weather - 1 day | Value is a String with the one day forecast |
Complication | cp10 | Forecast weather - 2 day | Value is a String with the two day forecast |
Complication | cp11 | Forecast weather - 3 day | Value is a String with the three day forecast |
Complication | cp12 | Calendar Events | Value is a String with the time of your next calendar event or null |
Complication | cp13 | Sunrise | Value is a non-negative Number representing seconds since midnight local time of the sunrise or null |
Complication | cp14 | Sunset | Value is a non-negative Number representing seconds since midnight local time of the sunset or null |
Complication | cp15 | Altitude | Value is a Number of the current altitude in meters or null |
Complication | cp16 | Pressure | Value is a Float in pascals of the current pressure or null |
Complication | cp17 | Notification count | Value is a non-negative Number of notifications or null |
Complication | cp18 | Heart rate | Value is a non-negative Number in beats per minute or null |
Complication | cp19 | Weekly run distance | Value is a Float of your weekly run distance in meters |
Complication | cp20 | Weekly bike distance | Value is a Float of your weekly bike distance in meters |
Complication | cp21 | Recovery time | Value is a Number of seconds remaining in your recovery time |
Complication | cp22 | Stress | Value is a Number representing your current stress level or null |
Complication | cp23 | Body battery | Value is a Number representing your current body battery or null |
Complication | cp24 | Running VO2 Max | Value is a Number representing your running VO2 max or null |
Complication | cp25 | Cycling VO2 Max | Value is a Number representing your cycling VO2 max or null |
Complication | cp26 | Training status | Value is a String representing your training status |
Complication | cp27 | Race predictor - 5k | Value is a Number representing your predicted 5K time in seconds |
Complication | cp28 | Race predictor - 10k | Value is a Number representing your predicted 10k time in seconds |
Complication | cp29 | Race predictor - 1/2 marathon | Value is a Number representing your predicted half marathon time in seconds |
Complication | cp30 | Race predictor - marathon | Value is a Number representing your predicted your marathon time in seconds |
Complication | cp31 | Race pace predictor - 5k | Value is a Float representing your 5k pace in meters/second |
Complication | cp32 | Race pace predictor - 10k | Value is a Float representing your 10k pace in meters/second |
Complication | cp33 | Race pace predictor - 1/2 marathon | Value is a Float representing your half marathon pace in meters/second |
Complication | cp34 | Race pace predictor - marathon | Value is a Float representing your marathon pace in meters/second |
Complication | cp35 | Pulse OX | Value is a non-negative Number as a percent from 0 to 100 representing your blood oxygen or null |
Complication | cp36 | Respiration rate | Value is a non-negative Number representing your breaths per minute or null |
Complication | cp37 | Solor charge | Value is a non-negative Number representing percent between 0 to 100 of solar charge or null |
Complication | cp38 | Current temperature | Value is a Numeric representing temperature in degrees Celsius or null |
Complication | cp39 | High/low temperature | Value is a String in the format "/", eg. 24/10 |
Complication | cp40 | Wheelchair pushes | Value is a non-negative Number of pushes for the current day, only available in wheelchair mode |
Complication | cp41 | Last golf round score | Value is a String in the format "(E)" if score is even-par or "(<+|->)" if not. |