Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

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Like DataRichDigital - Gradient
Like DataRichDigital - Gradient
big clock with big display of the date at the center, battery icon appears ONLY if value < 6% (reminder to recharge)
big clock with big display of the date at the center, battery icon appears ONLY if value < 6% (reminder to recharge)
(synchro gps 1 time or the face wont work) Digital watch, moon, realtime sun in the sky, sunrise/sunset, heartrate, battery life, date, body battery
(synchro gps 1 time or the face wont work) Digital watch, moon, realtime sun in the sky, sunrise/sunset, heartrate, battery life, date, body battery
(synchro gps 1 time or the face wont work) moon, realtime sun in the sky, sunrise/sunset, analog and digital clock, heartrate, atm pressure, battery life, date, body battery
(synchro gps 1 time or the face wont work) moon, realtime sun in the sky, sunrise/sunset, analog and digital clock, heartrate, atm pressure, battery life, date, body battery
essential things for a watch, battery icon displayed ONLY if value < 6% (reminder to recharge)
essential things for a watch, battery icon displayed ONLY if value < 6% (reminder to recharge)