Watchface Builder for Garmin

Watchface Builder for Garmin

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sid_001 - realistic weather
sid_001 - realistic weather
Clockwork Orange
Clockwork Orange
Traveller - AOD
Traveller - AOD
sid_001_sand - big weather
sid_001_sand - big weather
Explorer v2 - AOD
Explorer v2 - AOD
GreyWhite Sport
GreyWhite Sport
BigOne dark
BigOne dark
Another Breitling WF
Another Breitling WF
White Digit
White Digit
Azteca digi-analog w/o weather icons
Azteca digi-analog w/o weather icons
to much data ;)
to much data ;)
Azteca digi-analog - Celsius - AOD
Azteca digi-analog - Celsius - AOD